Monday 23 August 2010

Pandas Everywhere and DIY envelope purse

If you read my previous blog posts you may know that people like to send me panda things ^__^. So, the other day I received a whole package of cute stationery/fabrics with pandas all over =). If you want to send me panda stuff, you are very welcome^^
Everything here was kindly sent to me from modes4u ( thank you very much ) it’s a really cute online store, they sell a lot of cute stuff from Japan and Hong Kong, so do check it out !
These are the cutest buttons ever =), get them here
Fabric samples ^^ Scroll down to see what I made with them =)
Stickers with pandas and some cute ducks too.
DSC07319 DSC07317

Pretty looking Panda Stamp and a cute Sparkley eraser with a panda of course. . .


This is what the stamp comes out as :) it’s like a Panda Russian doll?

Cute gift wrapping tape, with a panda and some other animals xD I love this =)

Okay so, I thought I would do something with the fabric and buttons. I decided to make a pencil case/pouch thingy. This took me about 3 hours in total. It was an experiment, I didn't know exactly what I was doing but I think it turned out okay =)

The inside is lined with the other fabric, can you spot the panda?
DSC07335eIt took me a while to work out how to fasten the pouch, in the end I put an elastic string at the top. 
I actually realised at the end that it can be reversible XD So I added another button =) I can’t decide which side I like more now ><


  1. panda overload! i love love love it :D

  2. That envelope is super cute >.< I want.

  3. those buttons a mega cute <3

  4. Those buttons are so cute and that pencil case is awesome! =)

  5. these things are adorable !!
    I would love to get those things, too ! they're so cool -..-
    the pencil case is so brilliant ! I love it :D
    i think you are making me panda-mad as well o.O but it's ok :D pandas are so freaking C-U-T-E !! :)

    GO PANDAS!!! lol :D

  6. Everything looks so cute♥

    Very creative how you made the pencil case and how cool that in the end it turned out reversible.

  7. Cool looking Panda designs. I like the buttons. Everything looks so well made and creative.

  8. ooh thats totally totaally cute!! im loving panda and rabbits and bear and cats right now! lololol and the pencil case is awesome :3

  9. omg...that pencil case is amazing! I want to make one now xD

  10. Cute <3 the russian doll panda is so cute!

  11. aw so cuuuuteee! i'm crossing my fingers for your giveaway :))

  12. Such an adorable craft you made! The other day I was at Borders and I saw a Panda USB drive and it made me think of your blog. I didn't get it though, it was only 2 GB and it cost 20 dollars!

  13. ahhhhhhhh!! too cute!! love it love it love it!! You are so creative :D

  14. waauw all the panda stuff is very cute ^^
    no wonder you like it so much haha


  15. That fabric is just adorable, I love the pouch :3

  16. Your pencil case turned out really cute!

  17. So so cute! By the way, I followed your blog. Love your blogging style and you're pretty. =D

  18. Everything's so cuuuute! >.< I like what you did with the fabric. I wish the stores in my area would have cute fabric like that. I think your pencil pouch would also work as a cute clutch purse. ;]

    I like your blog and I'm now following!


every comment makes me smile ^^