and these cute PANDA shoe cuffs! I think they are great ankle warmers ^__^
cuffed them over my black and white wellies. . !
Oops. I know I said I was going to post a special post and a giveaway too, but we’re going to have to wait until tomorrow, Sorry! It’s not my fault really ><!
For now, I just wanted to blog this, I attempted Panda bread today. It turned out OK actually! but the bread wasn’t proper bread consistency so I’m going to try again ^_^ if I get it right I will post a tutorial =]
before cooking!
panda loaf, slightly burnt ><
Sliced bread!!
P.S. thanks for reading my blog ^_^ thanks for following, and please come back tomorrow =] xx
Hi everyone, these are a pair of more natural looking lenses, I chose these as I had never really reviewed a pair of more natural looking lenses before. Anyway these are also from Mukuchu.
They don’t have a black circle around them, just a darkish brown one.
Here is what they look like in my eyes.Left one without, right one with. It gives a nice enlargement and is a little lighter coloured than my eyes
I love the colour you get with flash, they look quite natural!
Without flash:
overall one of my favourite lenses so far, I could wear these a lot without freaking anyone out ^_^.
Comfort: ★★★☆☆
Thanks again to mukuchu ^_^. I love these lenses very much!!
p.s. the winner of my usagi/usamimi giveaway is (chosen at random)
Jessica! please check your email x
Thanks to everyone who entered, Hopefully there will be a lot more to come =]